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Professional Practice


It is important to present the last stage of becoming an English teacher which is the professional practice. Here one has to complete 18 weeks attending the school carrying out 10 pedagogical hours teaching, 2 pedagogical hours of head teaching and orientation, and finally 5 pedagogical hours for planning classes and administrative work preparing worksheets, test and classes.

The objective of this professional practice is to demonstrate professional competences showing knowledge and abilities acquired. Additionally, to associate constitutive elements of the professional identity with the different aspects that are part of the professional performance. Another important issue is to analyze in a critical way the pedagogical action giving in a creative way solutions to any problem that can be present at the moment of teaching. Finally, to value the pedagogical action as an integral activity, full of experiences and useful in aspect related to professional development.


There can be no doubt that the professional practice was an arduous labor to develop because being teacher involves a variety of values and abilities that one learns step by step in the process of becoming a teacher. It is important to mention that at the beginning it was very hard to deal with every responsibility that was designated, even though, on the way one was dealing with all those problems or difficulties that were presented because one had a guide teacher that had the experience of dealing with those kinds of problems and this teacher transferred all that experience to the teacher in process so that one could learn from the mistakes made. Some people say that being teacher is only to deliver content to the students, however, it is completely relevant to highlight that it involves a vast number of task and also a big responsibility because the knowledge of the students is their hands.



Personal teaching philosophy

Being teacher is more than giving to the students the knowledge it implies being more than teachers for them. The way of how one relates with students can change the attitude of them toward your class.

Teaching Context


The context in which one develops the labor of teacher is something completely important to consider at the moment of teaching because it is a factor that affects the learning process of the students that is why in the following task the context of my school was analyzed in depth. Click on the following icon to see MDD1

This artifact is related with the following competences of the graduate profile:

A6) the teacher demonstrates knowledge about the characteristics, wisdoms, and experiences of the high school students.

A7) Due to I has to gather information about students and also reflect about my professional performance contributing in the development of the knowledge not only in the English knowledge but also when talking about the pedagogy.

B5) to understand the socio cultural reality of the education locating it in the regional and national curriculum framework

C1) the teacher knows the area and subject matter of the education not only for its comprehension but also to locate the teacher’s professional performance

C12) the teacher has the capacity of applying techniques of the investigation that allows her interveners in the educational, social and cultural reality.

D2) to demonstrate worry for people’s dignity

D6) Teacher appreciates and respects the socio cultural diversity in the practice of the teaching profession.


It goes without saying that the artifact helped the teacher in process to go in depth about her students’ reality and context which is something that must be consider at the moment of teaching and even more if it is a new school for the teacher. It is completely relevant for the teacher to know that depending of the school the context will change, and is why the teacher in process ought to analyze every reality in which she is going to teach.

There can be no doubt that the artifact aided the teacher in process to carry out with the characteristics mention in the graduate profile, due all those previous mention characteristics such as socio cultural diversity, worry for people’s dignity, and students’ reality in order of being emphatic with them at the moment of teaching.

Units and lessons planning and teaching 

MDD 2-3

Unit learning outcomes and lesson planning (Estándar 2 y 3: Metas de Aprendizaje y Planes de Clases). Click on the following icon to see MDD2-3


This artifact is related with the following competences of the graduate profile:

A1) and A2)The teacher has and analyze the abilities that allows her to comprehend the advances of the pedagogical knowledge and her discipline in order to benefit the educational process.

A4) the teacher uses technologies of communication and information not only to learn but also to learn to teach.

B3) the teacher applies strategies which promote autonomous and divergent thinking and also the teacher gives different solutions to one problem

B6) the teacher applies incorporating her professional and disciplinary knowledge in her educational works.

C2) the teacher knows, selects and uses methodological strategies and resources for learning to generate significant learning respecting to the English language as a foreign language.

C3) the teacher establishes professional relations with her peers in order to improve her practices, and the learning not only of her students nut also of herself.

C6) the teacher demonstrates knowledge and good speech and writing in function of the interactional standards of the English language

C8) the teacher encourages the creativity and establishes relations between the English learning and the previous knowledge of the students.

C9) the teacher uses teaching material and assessment procedures congruent with the aim in order to learn the English language.


As everything must be related in order to follow a sequence, after being studying students’ context it is important to know the way of how the teacher in process is going to teach the new content and having into consideration the previous knowledge of the students. It is particularly significant to say that the previous artifact helped the teacher in process to deal and use her competences not only related with the English language but also pedagogically talking. When planning classes the teacher needs to use all her competences in order to promote a good learning in students. There can be no doubt that requiring others teachers help is also very important and it was done at the moment of planning due to collecting other teachers’ ideas can be a great help for the teacher process, mainly because they have more experience and also critics should be received as something that is going to contribute is the professional development and planning.


Estándar 4: Plan de Evaluación. Click on the following icon to see MDD 4

This artifact is related with the following competences of the graduate profile:

C9) the teacher uses teaching material and assessment procedures congruent with the aim in order to learn the English language.

D6) Teacher appreciates and respects the socio cultural diversity in the practice of the teaching profession.


The way of students are going to be assessed is something that requires many factors to consider. It is important to mention that the teacher in process had courses that delivered the necessary knowledge, such as assessment, in which the teacher in process could learn about how to apply and create those assessments considering many aspects before applying them to the students. The process was not easy but at last when applying those knowledge in real context one could realize that they were completely useful. Additionally, it is important to say that to monitor students during their learning process is something that will help the teacher to analyze if she is doing her job well.



Estándar 5: Toma de Decisiones y Análisis de Resultados. Click on the following icon to see MDD 5

This artifact is related with the following competences of the graduate profile:

A7)  The teacher demonstrates competences to reflect about her professional performance contributing in the development of the knowledge not only in the English knowledge but also when talking about the pedagogy.

A8) The teacher problematizes on her teaching performance organizing and optimizing the teaching and learning process of the English as a foreign language.

C3) the teacher establishes professional relations with her peers in order to improve her practices, and the learning not only of her students but also of herself.

D3) The teacher demonstrates readiness to self learning and motivation for continuous improvement.


It is particularly significant to say that the teacher carried out with all those aspects previous mention at the moment of analyzing the results gotten from those assessments. Being critical with oneself is something completely constructive and it will help the teacher in process to develop better skills and also to know what aspects she must improve in her teaching.

Post teaching reflections

There can be no doubt that being observed during the teaching practice was something completely useful, because it helps the teacher in process to deal with situation in which the pressure must be controlled. It goes without saying that receiving feedback from those observed classes was something that contributes to my professional development. Furthermore, it helped to polish my weaknesses and also one could realize about oneself strengths. There is no shadow of doubt that feedback session was something completely beneficial due to it encourages the teacher in process to do their best and also to receive critics in a positive way as something that will help in her development a future teacher.


Head teaching experience and other teaching practicum expeciences

Evidence of the activities carried out as a Head Teacher.

Teacher's day

In the following icons you will find some orientation plannings that were done during the head teaching.



Estándar 6: Autoevaluación Reflexiva.

This artifact is related with the following competences of the graduate profile:

 A7)  The teacher demonstrates competences to reflect about her professional performance contributing in the development of the knowledge not only in the English knowledge but also when talking about the pedagogy.

A8) The teacher problematizes on her teaching performance organizing and optimizing the teaching and learning process of the English as a foreign language.

C3) the teacher establishes professional relations with her peers in order to improve her practices, and the learning not only of her students but also of herself.

D3) The teacher demonstrates readiness to self learning and motivation for continuous improvement.



This artifact helped to analyze all the work done for the teacher in process during one semester. Furthermore, one could reflect about one weaknesses and strengths which are very important specially when talking about being a competent teacher. There can be no doubt that the labor that teachers do is extremely significant due to a big responsibility is in their hands which is people’s education. Additionally, being in constant learning and improvement will encourage teachers being better than before and also it will help them to improve the quality of Chilean education.


The teaching practice experience was something completely important as part of becoming teacher, the teaching practice was even more important than the knowledge learnt at the university, and it is because is here where one could see the real life. The teaching practice is, from my perspective, the most important part of becoming teacher due to is here when one could interact with students and realize and see how the reality at the school is. Additionally, one could polish weaknesses in order of becoming a better teacher. As a final point I would like to say that the teaching practice change completely my perspective about students, due to I used to have a negative view of adolescents, however, at the school I realized that they can be very nice with you if you are empathic with them and also their attitude toward you and your class will change depending on how you are with them.


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