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Didactica II

Language learning profile

The purpose of the language learning profile is to contribute in the process of becoming English teacher, because it deeply analyze linguistic aspects of an specific student. It is specially focus on finding solutions to their linguistics problems. All afore mention could be analyze by the application of an interview.

Interview Audio

Textbook evaluation

Teaching materials are essential part of the learning process, even though selecting them for teaching at schools is a big responsibility, because they must contain all the aspect that students must cover when learning. In the following assignment we had to analyze a text book for English language learning in order to decide if this were going to be used or not at school. Many aspects were evaluated such as the content, cover, language and other aspects.



Professional development interview

The objective of this works was to research a teacher’s perspective on professional development.  In addition, it was necessary to analyze the teacher’s point of view about her professional development.


Personal Reflection

As future teachers this course is a tool that is going to be part of our development, because it gives the necessary knowledge that one requires. It helps us to review previos knowledge about how to teach depending on the skill that one wants to reinforce. In addition,something that is crucial in term of teaching a foreign language is to detect students’s lack, and there can be no doubt that a project such language learning profile help us to identify those weaknesses in students.

Furtheremore, the importance of knowing what aspect not only materails but also books must cover when teaching at schools was an intance in which we could realize that those materials are as important as other aspect, because they are going to be part of our classes abd also a significant complement in order to develop an excelent class with a significant learning.

Self evaluation

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