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Concept map

April 3rd, 2015


In this unit a concept map must be constructed by collecting different definitions from different authors, every author gives different perspectives about what applied linguistic is. This author were Anne Burns, Wini Davies, Zoltán Dörnyei, Phil Durrant,  Juliane House Richard Hudson,  Susan Hunston,  Andy Kirkpatrick, Dawn Knight and Jack C. Richards.


The construction of applied linguistic definition taken from different points of view and the organization of this definition into a concept map makes this definition more complete and easier to understand. It can be said that a concept map is a tool in which the knowledge can be easily understood because it is sinthesized.


Power point presentation

Approaches: Silent way 

April 20th, 2015


In this unit every group was given a different approach in which they will have to investigate and then explain this investigation to the rest of the class. Silent way was the one given to my group.


There can be no doubt that having knowledge about the different approaches that exist at the moment of teaching a second language is something that must be consider relevant, and also as part of any teacher’s training. It is important to say that every methodology contribute to the learning process, even though, to give emphasis only to one of them is not very advisable mainly because education changes through the years and also students.


Argumentative Essay

June 15th, 2015

In this unit four different topics were given and classmates were free to select the one that calls their attention. The topics were:

  • Is it good to raise a child bilingual?

  • Are Chilean teachers prepared to teach students with a low working memory?

  • A constructivist or a behaviourist class?? Or a mix of both?

  • Should be the teaching of English mainly taught under a Communicative Approach, or a mix of approaches?


This unit was one of the most significant for me because I could decide about the topic that calls my attention. Additionally, I could internalize in this specific topic which was constructivism and behaviorism clarifying my point of view in those methodologies.

Important differences between Behaviorism and Constructivism

June 22th, 2015

The importance of analyzing the main differences between behaviorism and constructivism are very relevant mainly because as future teachers it is important to know what methodology could be the best for our students  or maybe to apply both in the classroom can be completely useful due to students are all different and all learn in different ways.


Here is a chart with the main differences that one can find between behaviorism and constructivism.


The final part of the course is related to new technologies such as whatsapp, facebook, second life, skype and a lot of other variety of technolgies and their relation and integration to language learning, that is why a reflection about this topic was done.

Additional Information

The topic that calls my attention was the one related to behaviorism and constructivist theory. The importance of analyzing the different methodologies used in classrooms is something that must be in the knowledge of every teacher due to every all students learn in different ways, and also the education is something that change constantly and it is very important to be updated about this.

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